

Whitney+ Nick: The Woodlands, TX Portrait Photographer

Meeting someone over the internet is unlike any other relationship. For some it may conjure up images of Chris Hansen with cameras in tow ready to, pardon the pun, catch a predador. For those of us in the blogosphere making online relationships is just par for the course. Last weekend I officially "met" Whitney, a spunky new Texan with a handsome hubby and a precious pup (I feel like I should get extra english teacher points for the use of alliteration! High five me). She is my newest IRL blogger friend! I feel many more hang outs in our future... and even more when I get my butt to Houston permanently! 

I met Whit and her hubs at Market St. in The Woodlands and our adventure got started!

Look at this precious family working it!

Nick "claimed" he was exceptionally boring but I would have to beg to differ! 

Whit-- I am so glad I officially got to meet you and thank you for romping all over Market St. with me in a cardigan... in Texas... in July... you deserve a cookie! 


1 comment:

Lindsay @ Trial By Sapphire said...

I'm so jealous! These are fantastic, Meg! Nice work! You captured them so well! And yes. Cheers to Whit for wearing a sweater!